yes, there is
for example:
config/misc/trade_barman.ltx -- in original stalker
buy_condition = barman_generic_buy
sell_condition = {+yan_labx16_switcher_primary_off} barman_after_brain_sell, {+bar_darklab_document_done} barman_after_darkvalley_sell, barman_start_sell
buy_supplies = {+yan_labx16_switcher_primary_off} supplies_after_brain, {+bar_darklab_document_done} supplies_after_darkvalley, supplies_start
what he sells depends on main quests completion infoportions
we can add functions to check community
original FS:
buy_condition = freedom_generic_buy
sell_condition = freedom_sell_after_pavlik
buy_supplies = supplies_after_pavlik
add section and condition check
buy_condition = freedom_generic_buy
sell_condition = {=actor_in_freedom} freedom_sell_exclusive, freedom_sell_after_pavlik
buy_supplies = supplies_after_pavlik
actor_in_freedom is in
xr_effects.script file.
if function returns true sell section will be "freedom_sell_exclusive", if not - freedom_sell_after_pavlik
same way you can add functions to check actor community into
xr_effects.script for all other factions.
Um... has anyone seen a floating sarcastic skull around here?