Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

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Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение Darimar » 17 авг 2013, 22:59

Hi all,
I'm Alessandro from Italy.

I'm making a personalized version of Freeplay Start and I'm translating it into italian language. It is difficult to find some textual strings, so I'm here to ask help.
For example, where can I find the message text that compare when I use the inv_ruck?

Thx in advance, greetings from Italy!

N.B. Ehm, sorry for my (not_so_good) English!
Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2013, 22:45

Re: Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение kstn » 18 авг 2013, 19:17

where can I find the message text that compare when I use the inv_ruck?

You have to check bind_stalker.script for this strings:

level.map_add_object_spot_ser(, "red_location", "%c[255,238,155,23]Моя нычка для хабара")
news_manager.send_tip(, "Тайник заложен.", nil, nil, 5000)
Сообщения: 135
Зарегистрирован: 17 июл 2009, 13:10

Re: Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение Darimar » 18 авг 2013, 23:04

Yeah, thx a lot!
We'll meet again here, I think to have many other questions to ask ;)
Bye for now and thx again!
Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2013, 22:45

Re: Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение Darimar » 20 авг 2013, 08:42

Another question: which files are involved in setting the character's starting equipment?
Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2013, 22:45

Re: Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение kstn » 21 авг 2013, 14:57

fs_config_loadouts.ltx will make you happy.
Сообщения: 135
Зарегистрирован: 17 июл 2009, 13:10

Re: Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение Darimar » 23 авг 2013, 14:41

I'm very happy, indeed! Thx!
The question of the day is... I have found a little add-on for Freeplay Start, here:


It seems to add a "news system" in AMK-style (very interesting thing!). I downloaded the file (amk_news_main.script) and copied it into gamedata\scripts folder. But I have not noticed any news: it seems it doesn't work. Any suggestion about it?
Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2013, 22:45

Re: Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение kstn » 23 авг 2013, 17:51

It seems to add a "news system" in AMK-style (very interesting thing!). I downloaded the file (amk_news_main.script) and copied it into gamedata\scripts folder. But I have not noticed any news: it seems it doesn't work. Any suggestion about it?

amk_news_main.script is just the FIX to this addon. It will not work without full package of files. You should try to find full version of this addon for Freeplay Start.
Сообщения: 135
Зарегистрирован: 17 июл 2009, 13:10

Re: Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение Darimar » 24 авг 2013, 19:21

Oh, I understand...
Ehm... can someone help me to find the complete add-on? I've tried to find it but it is very, very difficult (in particular for me, searching on russian sites :( )...
Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2013, 22:45

Re: Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение Darimar » 08 сен 2013, 14:40

Is there a way to make traders sell certain items ONLY IF the Character belongs to their Faction?
Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2013, 22:45

Re: Freeplay Start 'Italian translation'

Сообщение XiaNi » 08 окт 2013, 15:22

yes, there is
for example:

config/misc/trade_barman.ltx -- in original stalker

buy_condition = barman_generic_buy
sell_condition = {+yan_labx16_switcher_primary_off} barman_after_brain_sell, {+bar_darklab_document_done} barman_after_darkvalley_sell, barman_start_sell
buy_supplies = {+yan_labx16_switcher_primary_off} supplies_after_brain, {+bar_darklab_document_done} supplies_after_darkvalley, supplies_start

what he sells depends on main quests completion infoportions
we can add functions to check community
original FS:
buy_condition = freedom_generic_buy
sell_condition = freedom_sell_after_pavlik
buy_supplies = supplies_after_pavlik

add section and condition check
buy_condition = freedom_generic_buy
sell_condition = {=actor_in_freedom} freedom_sell_exclusive, freedom_sell_after_pavlik
buy_supplies = supplies_after_pavlik

function actor_in_freedom is in xr_effects.script file.

if function returns true sell section will be "freedom_sell_exclusive", if not - freedom_sell_after_pavlik

same way you can add functions to check actor community into xr_effects.script for all other factions.
Um... has anyone seen a floating sarcastic skull around here?
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Зарегистрирован: 01 сен 2008, 18:37


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